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Experience the Future of Renting with Rentify

 Terms and Conditions


Rentify is an on-line service provide and as such has the same risks and vulnerabilities as any other on-line presence. This includes, but not limited to:

I understand that there are inherent risks involved in the on-line order process for which the information provided is to be used, and that system failures or breaches may expose that information, and I freely accept those risks.

I agree to hold harmless and indemnify Rentify and its owners, agents, suppliers and employees for any loss, breach or damage related to the use of the information provided for the on-line order process.

All financial transactions are managed and executed by a third party called Stripe. Rentify only implements those services and does not have possession of your transactional funds.

End-Customer Specific

All instructions on the use of my rental equipment will have been made clear to me by the rental store, and I need to understand the functionality of my equipment. Rentify provides no advice, instructions, or training on the use of this equipment.

Any addition statements of user/end-customer risks regarding the Rentify service should be add to both your company's website and to your Rentify platform configuration.

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